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The Latin Brahmic Script

Of course, if we can create a Latin based abugida with vowels as letters and consonants and diacritics, we can create a real abugida with Latin letters, too.
  What’s an abugida? An alphabet where only the consonants have letters, vowels are added as diacritics. Like Brahmic scripts used in India and Southeastern Asia.
  It’s not complicated to turn Latin script into an abugida. For first, let’s remove all letters A that follow a consonant and replace them with an acute accent. Now we h́ve to write A’s only when they are at the beginning of a word or after another vowel – in all other ćses, only the diacritic is written above the preceding consońnt. Then let’s do the śme with letters I and repĺce them with a dot. Now we ćn wṙte even shorter text. The ṡmpŀḟćṫon process ćn include ćses treated speċally, ŀke the sylĺble “li”, wṙtten ẇth a ṁddle dot. Now, the tḣrd v̇cṫm is O, subsṫtuted by a gŕve accent. (H̀w d̀ I ch̀ose the accents? Just by pers̀ńl ŀke.) Then we repĺce U’s ẇth a ċrĉmflex and the text sl̀wly t̂rns int̀ a ċpher c̀de, b̂t we ḋdn’t ḟṅsh yet. We als̀ ch́nge Y’s used in v̀wel r̀le t̀ ṫldes, onl̃ c̀ns̀ńnt ones ćn ŝrv̇ve, and th̀se used in ẁrds ŀke “ḿy” bećuse they f̀ll̀w aǹther v̀wel.
  As ỳu ćn see, I left one v̀wel unt̀uched: E. Tḣs is the m̀st freq̂ent v̀wel in Engŀsh, and tḣs ab̂ġd́ is b́sed on Engŀsh. Acc̀rḋng t̀ the s̃stem of Bŕhṁc scṙpts, the m̀st freq̂ent v̀wel is unwṙtten and unḿrked. It’s incl̂ded ẇth all the c̀ns̀ńnts as an inherent v̀wel, theref̀re, a c̀ns̀ńnt ǹt weaṙng a v̀wel ḋacṙṫc is pr̀ǹunced ẇth the inherent v̀wel. S̀, in Bŕhṁc scṙpts, a letter K d̀esn’t mean ĵst “k”: it is pr̀ǹunced as “ka” or “ko”, depenḋng on the scṙpt. In our Engŀsh b́sed ab̂ġd́, it ẇll be pr̀ǹunced as “ke”. B̂t bef̀re we ćn intr̀d̂ce tḣs feat̂re, we m̂st add a ẃy t̀ rem̀ve the inherent v̀wel, f̀r ḟńl c̀ns̀ńnts and th̀se t́k̇ng ṕrt in a cl̂ster. In Bŕhṁc scṙpts, a speċal ḿrk serves for tḣs p̂rp̀se, the v̇ŕḿ. Our one is the underd̀t. S̀, a d̀ṭ uṇdṛ a c̀ṇs̀ńṇṭ maṇṣ ǹ v̀wḷ, ẉḣl ǹ ṣpċaḷ ḿṛḳ maṇṣ E.
  Ar w rad̃? Ǹ, ŝrl̃ w arṇ’ṭ. M̀ṣṭ Ḅŕḥṁc̣ ṣc̣ṙp̣ṭṣ d̀ṇ’ṭ ẃṣt ef̣f̀ṛṭṣ t̀ aḍḍ v̇ŕḿṣ t̀ s̀ ḿñ lṭtṛṣ. Ṭhy s̀ḷv iṭ ḋf̣frṇṭl̃. Ṭhy c̣rat ŀǵt̂rṣ f̣r̀ṃ c̀ṇs̀ńṇṭ c̣l̂ṣtṛṣ. F̀ṛ ex́ṃp̣l, “ṃp̣ḷ” is ŝḅṣṫt̂tḍ b̃ a ṡṇg̣l lṭtṛ ṭh́ṭ c̀ṇt́iṇṣ, rc̀g̣ṅźḅl̃, ṭh elmṇṭṣ of̣ M, P aṇḍ L. Unf̀ṛt̂ńtl̃, w ćṇ’ṭ c̣rat s̀ ḿñ ŀǵt̂rṣ aḷḷ of̣ a ŝḍdṇ, s̀ w h́v t̀ d̀ s̀mṭḣṇg̣ ḋf̣frṇṭ. Lṭ’ṣ iṇṭr̀d̂c uṇdṛŀn aṣ a s̃ṃb̀ḷ of̣ c̀ṇs̀ńṇṭ c̣l̂ṣtṛṣ: ṭh ĺṣṭ on gṭṣ aṇ uṇdṛŀn aṇḍ aḷḷ p̣rcḋṇg̣ c̀ṇs̀ńṇṭṣ ẇṭḥ ǹ v̀wḷ ḿṛḳ bl̀ṇg̣ t̀ ṭh c̣l̂ṣtṛ.
  Ẇtẖ̣ tẖ̇ṣ m̀ḋḟćṫoṇ, w ćṇ eŀṁńt a l̀ṭ of̣ unḏrḏ̀ts̱̣ g̀ing̱̣ iṇ r̀ws̱̣. Onḻ̃ ḟńḷ c̀ns̱̀ńnts̱̣ kep̣ tẖiṛ unḏrḏ̀ṭ wẖṇ pṟcdḍ b̃ a v̀wḷ. Aṣ ỳu ćṇ se, iṇ svŕḷ ćsṣ, unḏrŀ̱nḍ c̀ns̱̀ńnts̱̣ ar waṙng̱̣ a v̀wḷ ḋacṟ̇ṫc̣ aṭ tẖ śm ṫm, wẖ́ṭ iṣ abs̱̀l̂tl̃ ǹrm̱ḷ iṇ Bṟ́hṁ̱c̣ scṟ̇pts̱̣; aṭ otẖṛ ćsṣ, tẖy h́v a v̇ŕḿ insṯaḍ. F̀ṛ dsc̱nḏ̇ng̱· ltṯrs̱, tẖ̇ṣ ẁulḏ g̀ t̀o dep̣ t̀ ḋspḻ́y, s̀ lṭ’ṣ us a ṁddl d̀ṭ f̀ṛ tẖ v̇ŕḿ iṇ tẖ̇ṣ ćs.
  Wẖ́ṭ t̀ d̀ nxṯ̣? W ḿy rm̀v tẖ rḿiṅng̱· v̀wḷ ltṯrs̱̣: tẖ̀s f̀ll̀ẇng̱· aǹtẖṛ v̀wḷ. Lṭ’ṣ ṡmpḻ̃ adḏ̣ tẖṃ aṣ adḏ̇ṫ̀ńḷ ḋ́cṟ̇ṫcs̱̣. Tẖ̇ṣ ḿ̃ ḿk rnḏṙng̱· on s̀m c̀mp̱̂trs̱ a ḃṭ c̀mpŀ̱ćtḍ b̂ṭ iṭ ẁrths̱ iṭ, ralḻ̃. Oḥ, yṣ, a v̀wḷ f̀lḻ̀ẇng̱· aṇ unḿ̱rḵḍ E ćṇ’ṭ b adḏḍ aṣ a ḋ́cṟ̇ṫc̣ ṡnc̱ ǹtẖ̇ng̱· sẖ̀ws̱̣ tẖ E iṇ tẖ́ṭ ćs, b̂ṭ w ćṇ s̀lv̱ tẖ̇ṣ al̀ng̱· ẇtẖ iṅṫ́ḷ v̀wls̱̣. Svŕḷ Bṟ́hṁ̱c̣ scṟ̇pts̱̣ empḻ̀̃ a sp̱ċ́ḷ “ćrṟ̇eṛ ltṯṛ” f̀ṛ ŝcẖ̣ v̀wls̱̣, ẇtẖ̣ ǹ owṉ̣ maṅng̱·, ĵsṯ̣ t̀ ćrṟ̃ tẖ v̀wḷ ṡgṉ̣. F̀ṛ ouṛ p̂rp̱̀s, lṭ’ṣ us a ṁrr̀rḍ ltṯṛ ƨ. Ƨ̇ṭ h́ṣ ƨ́ g̀̀ḍ fḻ́ṭ ŝrf̱́c t̀ p̂ṭ ḋ́cṟ̇ṫcs̱̣ ƨ̀n, ƨ́nḏ̣, bƨ̇ng̱· ƨ́ ltṯṛ, ƨ̇ṭ h́ṣ ƨ́n ƨ̂pp̱rć̱s f̀rm̱̣ t̀ ƨ̂s ƨ́ṭ tẖ̣ bġnṉ̇ng̱· ƨ̀f̣ snṯnc̱ṣ.
  Ƨ́ṣ ƨ́ ṡmpḻ c̀sm̱ṫc̣ cẖ́ng̱, lṭ’ṣ ƨ̇ntṟ̀d̂c tẖ d̀̂bḻ ƨ̂nḏrḏ̀ṭ t̀ ḿrḵ̣ d̀̂bḻḍ lt̤rs̱̣. Ƨ̇f̣ tẖ d̀̂bḻḍ lt̤ṛ h́ṣ ƨ́ v̇ŕḿ, t̀̀, tẖ̇ṣ mƨ́ns̱̣ tṟ̇pḻ d̀ts̱̣; lṭ’ṣ ṡmpŀ̱f̃ tẖ̇ṣ t̀ ƨ́ ṙng̱· bl̀ẉ, ŀk ƨ̇ṇ ẁrds̱̣ ŀk “ƨ́l̥” ƨ́nḏ̣ “ƨ̀d̥”.
  Ƨ́r w ḟṅsẖḍ? Pṟ́cṯ̇ćl̤̃ w ƨ́r, b̂t ƨ̀nḻ̃ bć̂s w’v cṟƨ́tḍ, ƨ̀ṇ p̂rp̱̀s, ƨ́ lt̤ṛ b́sḍ tṟ́nscṟ̇pṯ̇̀ṇ, s̀ w pṟtnḏḍ “cẖ̣”, “sẖ̣” ƨtc̱̣. t̀ b c̀ns̱̀ńnṯ̣ cḻ̂sṯrs̱̣, wẖ́ṭ tẖƨ̃ ƨ́r, ƨ̀bv̱̇̀̂sḻ̃, ǹṭ. Tẖƨ̃’r s̀̂nds̱̣ wṟ̇t̤ṇ ẇtẖ̣ ḋgṟ́phs̱̣. Ćṇ w ƨ̇ntṟ̀d̂c lt̤rs̱̣ f̀ṛ ŝcẖ̣ s̀̂nds̱̣ t̀ ḿk tẖ scṟ̇pṯ̣ ƨ́ ḃṭ m̀r ṡṁĺṛ t̀ Bṟ́hṁ̱c̣ ƨ̀nṣ? Ŝr, w ćṇ. Ƨ̇’v ƨ́d̤ḍ s̀m.
  Ð̇ṣ d̀ƨsṉ̣’ṭ ḿk ð scṟ̇pṯ̣ φ̀nṫćḷ, ĵsṯ̣ č́ng̱ṣ ƨ̇ṭ ƨ́ ḃṭ cḻ̀sṛ t̀ ð Bṟ́hṁc̣ ƨ́p̤ṟ̀́č̣, ƨsp̱ċ́l̤̃ f̀ṛ c̀ns̱̀ńnts̱̣, ƨ́nḏ̣ ƨ̀nḻ̃ t̀ ḿk ƨ̇t̀ š̀rṯṛ ƨ̇ṇ ḋgṟ́φs̱̣.
  Nrḏ̃, ƨ̇sṉ̣’ṭ ƨ̇ṭ? Ƨ̀ḥ, ẃ̇ṭ. Ð̇ṣ ẁrḏ̣, “nrḏ̃”, ƨ̇ṣ ƨ́mḇ̇ĝ̀̂ṣ: w ḿ̃ bŀƨv “ṉ̣” bl̀ŋ̇ŋ· t̀ ð cḻ̂sṯṛ. T̀ ƨ́v̀̇ḍ ŝč̣ pṟ̀bḻms̱̣, lṭ’ṣ ḿrḵ̣ ð bġṅ̤ŋ· ƨ̀f̣ ð cl̂sṯṛ, b̂ṭ ƨ̀nḻ̃ ƨ̇f̣ ncś̤r̃: ƨ̇f̣ ð cḻ̂sṯṛ ƨ̇ṣ pṟcdḍ b̃ ƨ́ṇ Ƨ s̃ĺ̤bḻ. Lṭ ƨ̇ṭ b ƨ́ vrṯ̇ćḷ ŀn bl̀ẉ ð ḟrsṯ̣ lt̤ṛ ƨ̀f̣ ð cḻ̂sṯṛ. S̀, nr̩ḏ̃.
  Wẖ́ṭ ƨls̱ w ćṇ ƨ́d̥? Ƨ́ñþ̇ŋ w ćṇ þ̇nḵ̣ ƨ́b̀̂ṭ, b̂ṭ ð m̀sṯ̣ Bṟ́hṁ̱c̣ ŀk ẃ̃ ẁ̂lḏ̣ b t̀ ḿk ƨ̇ṭ c̀mpḻtl̃ φ̀nṫćḷ, b̃ cṟƨ́ṫŋ· ƨ́ l̀ṭ ƨ̀f̣ ḋ́cṟ̇ṫcs̱̣ f̀ṛ pṟ̀ǹ̂nc̱ḍ v̀wls̱̣ ƨ̇nsṯƨ́ḍ ƨ̀f̣ wṙt̤ṇ ƨ̀nṣ – b̂ṭ ð́ṭ’ṣ bỳnḏ̣ ð rƨ́č̣ ƨ̀f̣ ð̇ṣ ŀt̤ḻ sṯ̂d̃.
  Wlc̱̀m t̀ ð Ĺṫṇ Bṟ́hṁ̱c̣ Scṟ̇pṯ̣.
