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15 ezer szó

Kicsiny, tizenötezer szavas kisregényem egy kislány és egy férfi barátságáról szól egy nyáron Rīga óvárosában. Egy dalverseny, néhány dal. Egy elveszett szerelem – és egy másik. És egy segítőkész kiskutya.


15 thousand words, 2020
  Hungarian journalist Halász György (in Latvian, Jurģis) meets local girl Lauma on the seashore in Latvia. The girl, who he reckons may be 12, finds him very handsome, but their friendship only actually starts when she discovers he is listening to songs by famous singer Lauris Reiniks, a favorite of Latvian girls. She wants to participate in a song contest and sing a song by Lauris. Jurģis helps her to choose the song and goes with her to the contest, meeting Mancs (Paw), Lauma’s dog who isn’t a dog but a girl, younger than Lauma but old enough to notice her crush on the man. Lauma says he is a very honest person: he even doesn’t agree to meet anywhere but on the street, to avoid any suspicion about what happens between them. And he has a love, Napocska (Sunny) with whom he was together many years ago, although they broke up, he went back to Hungary and they lost contact.
  Lauma asks Jurģis to help her practicing the next song, but this takes more time together, so they arrange a meeting with Lauma’s mother, Ausma. Mancs guides him to their place. When seeing each other, he learns Lauma is a year younger than he thought.